Penn Wynn is a Montgomery County suburb of about 6,000 people, and it often appears in many acceptability polls.
That’s because things run smoothly in Penn Wynn.
It has an excellent school system, rated A +, a Web site that cuts public data to provide grades and ratings for schools and neighborhoods.
Indeed, this system is responsible for a high school graduation rate 13% higher than the rest of the state…
The crime rate in this suburb, which consists mostly of residential streets, is virtually nonexistent. Residents, among whom are many Orthodox Jews, are eager to promote green living by working together as a community to conserve natural resources in the area…
The fee for a three- to four-bedroom property is $351,100, with rents averaging $1,639. That’s reasonable, considering that Penn Wynn often appears in the best places to live in America…
Penn Wynn